Happy New Year to all our clients, friends, candidates and followers! We hope you all have an amazing and successful 2017. The start of a New Year also means the time to begin those resolutions ; lose weight, stop smoking or perhaps get a new job?
You may have set resolutions for your personal life, but what about your work life? Here are some of the top resolutions people in the workplace make and suggestions for you to have a happy and successful 2017.
Learn something new this year.
Join additional networking groups and increase your contacts
Set yourself realistic work goals (promotion, salary increase, more responsibility?)
Be proactive
Congratulate yourself on your successes
Step out of your comfort zone
Organise yourself – Tidy desk, tidy mind?
Are you looking for a new job this year? Give the team at Curteis Webb a call on 01892 263 359 – we have jobs across Kent, Surrey, Sussex and London within Marketing, PR, Digital and Creative. You can also email us at hello@curteiswebb.co.uk