I love autumn, in part for the change of the seasons and also because its Halloween time. When advertisers pull out all the stops to create a spooky Halloween ad and cash in on the holiday period. It usually creates adverts with humour and for that reason (and the fact I love a horror movie) its one of my favourite advertising times. Here’s a snapshot of some of my favs from last year….
Burger King…
Dressed up their New York store as the Ghost of McDonald’s, covering the store in a giant sheet, spray painting Mc D’s across it with the final reassurance there was nothing to be scared of – they were still flame grilled burgers – Phew!

A young werewolf heads to ASDA for help to discover who he really wants to be for Halloween, watch the video here…
Last year they offered a lucky winner the chance to spend the night at Dracula’s Castle in Transylvania…. https://www.airbnb.co.uk/night-at/dracula

Keep your eyes peeled for this years offerings and have a Happy Halloween!